Sunday, October 30, 2005

Scattered Moments

From this weekend, from whenever.

(also known as "Fun with Gerunds!")


My beautiful daughter, having somehow wandered a good 10 feet from our table in Luby's tonight, angrily throwing a spoon.


Looking at the ghost/bat/demon thing THEBOY wanted at the Halloween store, and knowing that if we bought that I'd actually dread fetching it from the attic each October, as it captured perfectly some unique, genuinely terrifying look. I was going to see THAT damn thing in my nightmares. He changed his mind and got skull sunglasses.


My daughter sleeping better after getting on a medicine routine. Bronchitis, the doc said. The poor kid.


Someone with a full bottle of mezcal at a party, offering shots around, looking at me and saying, "Oh--sorry dude."


THEBOY hugging the office lady at his new school as we left Friday. Unprompted no less. He's already acting like he's the mayor around there.


My wife, sitting on the bed tonight in a night gown no one else in the world will ever see, and looking pretty.


A man with a guitar, standing by the air compressor at the gas station in Hurst last night, just singing away. Couldn't hear him though.


Banda on 94.1 last night... it might be the music of madness, but it's happy madness.


Whit text messaging me tonight after a student of his won his first kick-boxing matching. I'm proud for them both.


Watching olives float in beer tonight, and remembering how I learned that trick some 25 years ago.

(They sink, then float, then sink, then float, over and over)


Picking someone at random in class today when the prof said to pair up with someone we don't know well for an exercise. And I picked well.


Getting through Friday at work. My roughest day there. And I wasn't the only one.


Hearing the Dukes of Stratosphear cover "I Am the Walrus." Cool.


Going to bed.

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