Monday, November 14, 2005

Which founding member of the Justice League are you?

Which founding member of the Justice League are you?


You are Batman. In addition to a strong drive for justice, you are also have a keen sense of deduction. [Phooey. I don't like Batman in the slightest. Regular guy, no superhuman powers, dumb costume and a slightly androgynous sidekick. Every time THEBOY asks me what the Joker and Penguin "do to people," I have the damnedest time telling him. "Uh... chicanery? Hijinks? Stuff that looks like toys but it's really dangerous??"]

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.


Anonymous said...

Kind of a lame quiz, if you ask me. Eight questions?

I also ended up as Batman, but only, I suspect, because I chose the question about not wanting to be part of a team.

I like the modern version of Batman. He's arrogant, borderline psycho and really good as his job. And totally unafraid to take on Superman, a guy 500 times more powerful than he is, and be confident that he'll win.


Anonymous said...

I'm Wonder Woman -- no surprise there! Plus, she has a thing for Batman ...
