Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Heh heh… I’m glad somebody’s helping the little jerks out.

Down the street is a sign that reads, “Free elf defense classes every Wednesday.”


Okay, this is what I wish I could say to all the guys at my school: It’s a martial art. Heck, Krav Maga means “contact combat.”

My point? WEAR A CUP. Quit bitching and moaning about the close calls and spend the $10 on a damn cup to protect your jibblies, man. I believe in partner preservation, sure, but it’s just not realistic to expect to participate in a class that regularly teaches groin strikes without real protection.


International Wife is now pondering law school.

Why do I even bother with school? Like I told her, I should just sit back and ride the gravy train, right?

But damn I’m no good at sitting around.


The slogan on the flyer the painter left on my door today: “HONEST—RELIABLE—SOBER.”


9/11 approaches, in case you’d somehow forgotten. I don’t plan to go into a whole big thing about it. I think a huge segment of the population has post-traumatic stress disorder relating to that, and we only watched it on TV. Heck, I was asleep at the time.


I used to work with a woman named Dawn. She was nice, had a cube across the aisle from me.

9/11 happens to be her birthday. I have often thought about what it must be like to have such a stigmatic birth date.


As it turns out, my birthday (August 29) now has its own tragic association. That’d be Katrina. I don’t think it’s quite as synonymous with tragedy as 9/11, but it’s an easy second place in my mind.


Lunch beckons. Ya’ll be good.


Anonymous said...

I was born on the 22nd anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima - August 6, 1967.


Anonymous said...

I narrowly escaped the "Princess Diana died on my birthday" syndrome...she bit it on Aug. 31 and I'm a Sept. 1. Germany invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, but that doesn't register in the U.S. of A. Crikey, good thing the Croc dude waited until Sept. 4. I don't think your Aug. 29/Katrina thing will have legs...that storm is over, so to speak.

Jeff P.

Anonymous said...

I was born the same day as Ronald Reagan. Unfortunately, I don't share his incredible capacity to waltz through life blissfully ignorant of my surroundings. And I'm referring to Reagan pre-Alzheimers. You know, back when he was governor of California.