Sunday, June 29, 2008

Un Poco de Nada

A really slow Sunday morning.

My back is still a bit sore from sparring the other day. I'm eager to get well enough to work out again, and in fact, am eyeballing a new school.


We're watching an old episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000: "Hercules," starring Steve Reeves.

"Look--there's the constellation Feces right below Taurus the Bull..."


I co-facilitated a stress management workshop for much of yesterday. It went well! My first work of the sort.

Here's where it was held:


Slow. Slow slow slow morning.


I've got a lot of dings on me from the sparring. Bruises, scratches, bite marks. It's fun being a boy.

Wait, bite marks? Hey Whit, you got some 'splainin' to do.


A throw rug I saw in a gas station on the way back from Houston:


Happy Sunday.


SifuWhit said...

Funny...I can't tell if I had any dings or dents from our sparring. They've long since been replaced by other bumps and bruises from my folks on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. ;-)

I'm waiting to hear how the new school checks out. Good luck!!

amcnew said...

Hmmm...... a Jesus throw rug. Is that anything like a magic carpet?