Monday, April 21, 2008

You, They, I

YOU are the holy person, the priest, the shaman/yogi/rabbi/prophet/bodhisattva.

You are considered by members of your faithful to be in touch with the divine. If you are not deity-like in countenance, you are considered to be a conduit nevertheless, a teacher, a guide in matters spiritual.

The faithful gather at your feet, soaking up what is tangible about their god(s) through you.

You believe them when they tell you that you are great and wise. You are familiar with the sin of pride.


THEY are the faithful, the lay people, the parishioners.

They are considered to be necessary and important, allowing your work to occur through their diligent support, financial contributions, and mindful, well-meaning imitations of whatever aspect of your greatness their lives allow them to appropriate.

They cannot renounce what you renounce. They can not give it all up, though their efforts to support you as you do so are said to earn them consideration.

They believe themselves when they tell you that you are great and wise. They are familiar with the sin of envy.


YOU are the televangelist, the priest, the layer-on of hands, the self-proclaimed prophet.

You are considered by members of your faithful to be in touch with the divine. If you are not deity-like or genuinely reverent, you are nonetheless held in high esteem by your faithful. People hold their palms outstretched as you do your work. They feel connected to something, and in those moments the fact that no one can prove God doesn't see His will in your efforts works for you.

The faithful gather at your feet, soaking up what is tangible about their god(s) through you. They bring you great piles of money, even if it means making personal sacrifices that are unreasonable and potentially catastrophic.

You believe them when they tell you that you are great and wise. You are familiar with the sin of greed.


YOU are the artist, the writer, the musician, the sculptor, painter, or poet.

You are considered by members of your faithful to be in touch with something divine, by your evident gifts at least. If you are not deity-like in behavior, you are considered to be a conduit nevertheless, a teacher, a guide in matters artistic. Your imperfections are often forgiven due to your faithful's desire to glean your greatness. We cannot bear to be apart from your gifts long enough to let you serve a prison sentece for whatever those cops at the border found out/on you.

The faithful gather at your feet, soaking up what is tangible about your gifts.

You believe them when they tell you that you are great and wise. You are familiar with the sin of sloth.


YOU are the star, the actor, the television personality, the gossip columnist, the lip syncher.

You are considered by members of your faithful to provide a good, danceable beat, or perhaps interesting sound bites., by your evident gifts at least. If you are not artist-like in behavior, you are considered to be close enough, and heck, you make a lot of money. Your imperfections are invisible to your faithful--to a point. Once they become evident your faithful turn upon you, gleefully watching the downfall they helped to fund.

The faithful gather at your feet, having paid $175 a ticket to see you live, or maybe $40 for a t-shirt or $75 for the DVD box set.

You believe the producers when they tell you what will keep you working and in paychecks. You are familiar with the sin of pride.

I am the musician, the fan, the imitator.

I am the man of faith who walks in these shoes, trying to make sense of it all.

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