Monday, August 07, 2006

I Didn't Even Have to Use My AK

That's a bad, likely-botched quote from... what, an old Ice Cube song? Called "It Was a Good Day" or something?

I'm bad about screwing up lyrics, and have only gotten worse in recent years.

For example, the Led Zeppelin Lyric "With a purple umbrella and a fifty-cent hat" is likely to come out something like, "Weather pumper under Abba and pissed wombat" or something. I'm serious.

And it busts me up.

I amuse myself way too much.


Good day here, mostly. The low point came when THEBOY was crying, miserable from what seemed to be a sudden onset of stomach cramps. Never barfed, never did anything but wail and moan for a while before hitting the sheets early. Checked on him a little while ago and he's fine. He even woke up long enough to drink some juice and have some goldfish.


Work-related things are afoot. Good things. Maybe even great things. Email me if you'd like specifics. If not, just wish me luck.


Another entry from last month's "Bigger" journal.


July 5, 2006

Couple notes:

I put some tofu in my noodle supper last night. I figured it couldn’t hurt to put about 1/3 of a pound in there in order to add some protein to my carbs.

Terrible mistake.

I mean, on the one hand, yes, it tasted okay and added some protein where previously I wouldn’t have had any.

On the other hand, I can say with all certainty that tofu, as processed by yours truly, is a perfectly viable solution should we ever become less dependent upon fossil fuels. Holy David Wells did that stuff inflate my guts. So much for that.


Today I meant to do legs, among other things. But after dropping the kids off at the daycare I came home and crashed until 1pm. I woke up feeling like Rip Van Winkle, wondering if I’d look out the window and see that my neighbors were zipping around on personal hovercrafts. No such luck.

I did have a good leg workout. I did 75 of these things called Hindu Squats.

Again, Whit’s out there having a good laugh over this. See, I’m now walking like I have a broomstick in my butt.

Tomorrow ought to be amusing.

1 comment:

Danny Henley said...

Just want to confirm, you got the line correct. I'm quite amused/impressed that you know it!