Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I got an answer to a question I didn't even know I had.

My birthday was pretty uneventful. We'd had a nice meal and some cupcakes (hey, we've got kids) to celebrate on Sunday.

On the actual day, though, nothing much happened. I was glad to get a call from Dad, of course. And my investment company sent me a beautiful card AND called me. Damn, don't they know I don't have any money?

So the highlight of my day was... Krav Maga? First day of advanced abnormal psych class? Chatting with classmates afterwards?

I didn't even take a nap.


Had another "ah ha!" moment in the aforementioned class. I mean, it was the first one and all, but here and there in this program things click, things make sense. I got an answer to a question I didn't even know I had.


I've been watching the mob mentality at work online a bit lately. Not going into specifics, but you know, there's a group of folks out there who are gleefully casting misery and woe at a peer of mine. And though I'm going to sidestep the issue of whether they're right or wrong, you know, the utter lack of class and the reckless disregard of the fact that there's a HUMAN on the receiving end of all this... it saddens me.


So, 38.


Currently I have:

A sore calf
A knee that's been barking for a couple days
A perpetually sore shoulder
Sore abs and obliques (oh wait, that's good pain from working out. Still, I'm going to put a voodoo curse on Ken for handing me that gizmo...)
A sore place in my back

Maybe I should give up martial arts and take up professional napping.


That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alice, will you please go and get your massage already?