Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sometime in the mid-90s, I took a nap.

Our Austin apartment was kind of unusual. It was built upon this wooded hillside, and though we were technically on the first floor, our elevation was such that when we walked out onto the patio, we looked into the tree tops.

It also faced west, which wasn't usually a problem, as the foliage blocked the sunlight.

Still, sometimes as dusk approached, at certain times of the year, the sunlight would fill our apartment.


So I took one of those deep naps, the kind where you wake up and your sense of time is skewed, and you're more than a little disoriented.

I walked out of the bedroom, and the apartment was orange from the light of the setting sun. It was uncomfortably warm too. My head hurt, I was sweating, and I felt like I was in an alternate reality.

And I had this song, which I'd never given much thought to before, going through my head.

It's "Ten Years Gone." This is a version done by Jimmy Page and the Black Crowes back in 1999.

I had the main riff going through my head, and I didn't even know what the song was. I started diggging through the Zeppelin CDs, trying to find it.

And there it was.

I'd stumbled out of bed with, on top of all that, this overwhelming sense of longing. I don't know where it came from. It was a mood more than anything. And the song captured it perfectly.

Good song.

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