Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Couple Notes About My Kids

Couple days ago THEGIRL invited me into her room for a private picnic.

I sat down and saw a pink plate covered with little girl stuff (hair ties, tiny toys, etc). A princess doll stood on either side of the plate.

I picked one up: "Who is this princess?"

"That's not a princess. That's your drink."

Ooooooh. The little things were all supposed to be food. Got it.

So she'd point out something and instruct me to "eat" it. The little pieces of styrofoam were celery.

"Yuck! I don't like celery!" I said.

I picked up one of the plastic bugs on the plate. "What's this?"

"That's a sandwich," she said.

"Oh, okay," I said, pretending to nibble. "What kind of sandwich is this?"

"A bug sandwich."


I picked up Wolfboy today, and he asked me what I know about French. Not much, I explained, though my great grandfather, Pierre Poursine, was a Frenchman.

I asked Wolfboy why.

He explained that there's a new kid in class who speaks only French. I asked if he's from France, or maybe an African country.

Wolfboy said he's African. He then told me that he wanted an English/French dictionary so he can talk to the new boy.

We went to the library tonight and checked one out.

I explained to him that this new boy, a second grader from across the globe, is about as far from home as anyone can imagine. He may come from a place where there's war, or where the government doesn't like him because of something like religion or tribal affiliation. I asked Wolfboy if he can imagine how strange this new place where no one really looks like him and no one speaks his language must seem to him.

I have never been prouder of my little boy, and I told him so.

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