Monday, February 02, 2009

Got them insomniac blues

I've been up since around 4am. Racing thoughts. I had to just give up and get up.


So I made myself a pot of coffee. When MOBB came out to check on me, I was startled and brandished a tablespoon at her.


Spork is one very funny word.


Something parenting has taught me: A princess does NOT eat bread crusts. However, if big brother is being a pain in the rumpus, a princess WILL kick him in the jewels.


I'm in the process of declaring a truce with my Les Paul. I still put it down shaking my head a lot, but I've discovered that playing it loudly does give it some character.


I watched the Superbowl. I'm not sure why.

Bruce was good though.


I'm deeply disappointed in Michael Phelps.


I've been clean and sober for years.

Substances I have used to cop a buzz:

Sleeping pills
Amyl nitrite
Primatene tablets
Cough syrup
Skelaxin and other muscle relaxants

...and more. I was slipped things here and there for which I never had names. I once drank a bottle of cooking sherry. I'm amazed the salt content didn't kill me.


Compared to some clients I've seen, I was extremely lightweight.


We do not own cats. Cats own us. Ringo is in bed with THEGIRL right now, just like he is every night. I've given up on opening the door to see if he wants out. He just stares at me like I'm a fool.


These days I feel as plain as unbuttered toast.


We don't have anything I really want for breakfast. I think I'll stop into the Fiesta store by the office and get a breakfast taco.

(BB's blog: where readers get the hard-hitting facts)


Bailing out. Happy Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You hang in there, white bread. Plain toast, get it? Anywho, you aren't alone with the occasional boredom, etc. I got no advice, just wanted to raise my hand and be counted by Mr. B. Take care and tell Wolfboy to jump on his heels when he gets kicked. That what my baseball coach told me in h.s. It didn't work, but it changed the dynamic.

Jeff P.