Thursday, May 24, 2007

BB's Going to Venus


Venus, Texas, that is. It’s work-related. Leaving around noon.


Ah, the blog, the blog… my poor blog. I’m at that freaked-out early part of the semester when I’m looking at all the work ahead of me and wondering how in the hell I’ll get it all done. One class is textbook-intensive, and I know I’ll spend just tons of time with my nose buried in the book. Crap.

The blog could suffer. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’ll get into a rhythm, find time (like I usually do) to post my usual meaningless blather.

But no guarantees.

Bear with me.


Implants are to breasts what steroids are to sports.


So today is the last day of kindergarten for THEBOY. I’ve been remiss, haven’t bought a card or flowers or a strip-o-gram for his teacher.

(Heh heh… I’ve love to see that: “Ma’am… there’s a shirtless fireman here to see you…”)

But I made a point of stopping her in the hall this morning when I dropped him off. I shook her hand, told her how much fun he had and how pleased we are.

And she asked, “Did the school counselor tell you about when she tested [THEBOY]?”

I explained that she had, sort of. That is, she’d simply told me, “When we tested this one—whoo!”

I figured “whoo” was good.

But the teacher explained to me that he tested higher than any student she’d ever tested.

I’m standing a couple inches taller at the moment.

I’m assuming that’s among kindergarteners, though I’d certainly be pleased to learn the lil’ bugger whipped the sixth graders butts.


This is Whit’s mom. I’m tickled to death, just pleased as punch for her and the family. I could, and should, write at length about her, about how she was a maternal figure to me at some key points in my life. Generous, caring, warm… heck, when I hear “Let It Be,” she’s “mother Mary.” She is.

So congratulations Mrs. M!


Happy Thursday.

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