Wednesday, November 12, 2008

BB and the Bag

BB's current therapy: "Breakfast in Bed" by Dusty Springfield.


I'm working out again. I've done it here and there, starting and stopping. I keep walking past the bag in the garage, and I've finally decided to spend some quality time with it. I do five rounds, three minutes each.


Round 1: Mixed stuff. Punch combinations, kicks from different angles. Funny how on any given night a different strike seems to be working better than others. Sunday night it was this nasty upward rib kick they teach in Krav Maga. Tonight my punches felt good and strong.


Do you feel attractive? Alluring? Desirable? On any given day, does someone special in your life give you any indication that you are in some way special in their eyes?


I'm headed to Austin this weekend for a solution-focused brief therapy conference. I'm too poor to pay the hefty registration, so I volunteered to work it instead. All I really have to do is hand out some papers, stamp some CEUs, and I can attend whatever I want. Very cool.


Round 2: Mostly kicks. I nail that bag too. I work on turning my hips over like I should, hitting with the shin. I also work a bit on kicks from the side and kicks from the rear (with advance). I have started throwing in some kicks to the head. KM doesn't teach that one, as it's a high-investment maneuver that doesn't often pay off.


The Startlegram reports that a local pastor is urging the married folks to have sex every day for a week, starting Sunday.

I gather the full sermon will be posted at some point.


Round three. For a minute, I do mixed combos. I like this cross/jab/kick combo. Needs work to make it smooth, but it'll come. Then for the last two minutes I do non-stop jab/cross combos. It's a bear!


I need to get back to Krav. It's the place I've felt most comfortable. Yeah, I had some issues with the place, but honestly, I just keep looking for a place just like it when I visit new schools. That, or a place like JMMA.

But Krav Maga Bedford was always good to me. When I was broke, they worked with me. When my son was the only kid who enrolled in the children's program, he basically got a couple months of private lessons for ridiculously cheap. And when his buddy tagged along, they let me teach them. Heck, I had a key to the school for over a year. I never should have given it back!


Round 4: Kicks. What else? My arms are pretty useless by that point. David at the KM school always had the most mechanically sound kicks. He'd pivot so well, and WHAM! I always picture that when I kick. I have my moments, but I can't do it like him.


I dreamed I was working the SFBT conference, in fact. It was going well, though lunch time came, and they gave me a big jar full of chopped and ground octopus parts to eat.

As a courtesy, I tried one. Wasn't bad! Tasted like ground beef. Still... they looked gross.


Speaking of KM, go over to Larry Escher's blog and congratulate him on being one of the very few IKMF-certified civilian instructors in the country.


Round 5: Other stuff. Knees (which aren't easy to do on my hanging bag), elbows, and a little bit of shadow boxing to work in some defensive stuff. At that point I've done abs between all the rounds, and I'm spent.


Note to self: Nachos do not make good workout fuel.


If I don't update again before the conference, ya'll take care, and have a good weekend.

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