Your Deadly Sins |
![]() Sloth: 80% Lust: 20% Envy: 0% Gluttony: 0% Greed: 0% Pride: 0% Wrath: 0% Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14% You will die with your hand down your underwear, watching Star Trek. |
What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Musician Doo doo de doo waaaa doo de doo! (<-- That's you playing something.) Everyone appreciates the band/orchestra geeks and the pretty voices. Whether you sing in the choir, participate in a school/local band, or sit at home writing music, you contribute a joy to society that everyone can agree on. Yay! Welcome to actually doing something for poor, pathetic human souls. (Just kidding.) | |
Literature Nerd | |
Artistic Nerd | |
Science/Math Nerd | |
Gamer/Computer Nerd | |
Social Nerd | |
Drama Nerd | |
Anime Nerd | |
What Be Your Nerd Type? Quizzes for MySpace |
1. What would you go to jail for? I think if I caught someone trying to harm my kids I’d probably end up doing something that’d get me sent to jail
2. If you had a chance, which celebrity would you rid the world of? I can barely name a celebrity. They don’t mean enough to me to worry about.
3. If you were in a life threatening situation (such as being attacked) and only had these three items: a paper clip, a dirty diaper and a banana; how would you survive? Having a dirty diaper IS a life-threatening situation.
4. What situation where someone is being injured, do you find most funny? Wow… this was apparently written by a prepubescent sadist.
5. What's the lamest way you've dumped someone or been dumped? Why? pleading the fifth.
6. What Jelly Belly flavor makes you want to vomit? I never want to vomit.
7. What is your honest opinion about bums? I prefer the term “fannies.”
8. Would you rather fight a shark or a bear and how would you defeat it?! I’ve got a bad feeling about this quiz.
10. If you had to lose a body part, what part would it be? I could spare a pinky toe.
11. CHOOSE!!!! A week of intense discussion with Sheryl Crow about world issues, spending the night with a horny Mike Tyson fresh out of jail or the glorious honor of a Samurai suicide? Give me the blade.
12. What board game would you least like to play for all eternity? Monopoly
13. If you could have your very own attack animal, what would it be? A Marmot.
14. In your opinion, what is the most annoying sound ever? The 80s.
15. What do you think of getting your “lover’s” (BF, GF, etc.) name tattooed on your body? Nah. I think I can remember her name without the assistance.
16. Would you rather be in a raging sand storm or a killer buffalo stampede? I’ll take my chances with the buffalo.
17. If an imaginary character could be real; what character would that be? The Continental. (Look it up)
18. Tom Cruise. Crazy, cool, annoying, or “special”? Entirely too good looking to have the bad Napoleon complex he seems to have.
19. Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Yes
20. Gnome vs. Elf: who would win this epic battle? Nothing between two creatures of that size is epic in any way. It'd be funnier than hell though.
21. Have you ever stolen an antenna ball? no.
22. If you were magically sucked into your television set; which television program would you like to be stuck in? Mystery Science Theater 3000
23. If you were challenged to a mêlée by an armored super monkey, what weapon would you choose to defend yourself? Humor. “A guy walks into a bar with a little bitty piano and a 10-inch pianist…”
24. In the movie “Happy Gilmore” Adam Sandler was instructed by his golf teacher to go to his “Happy Place”; a place of serenity and calmness. What is your happy place? Beside the banks of the Mississippi, listening to Cajun music on AM radio, smelling the magnolia blossoms.
25. Are you easily distracted by shiny objects? God I waste my time on the most worthless crap sometimes.
26. TRIVIA QUESTION TIME! What movie was this phrase muttered. “We are the knights who say….NI!”? One of those British things that I gather would be very funny if I could understand what the hell they were saying.
27. If you were in a Japanese game show, which would you rather have happen to you. To be shocked by a cattle prod 20 times, put in a glass coffin with scorpions, or pelted with scalding rocks? I’ll take the cattle prod. Not the first time in my life
I’ve used THAT phrase.
28. What clothing article is the hardest to get off when wet? Straight jacket.
29. If there was a movie made about you, what would its title be? Henceforth!
30. In this movie about you, who would you cast to play yourself? Billy Barty
31. What superpower would you like to have? (Note: You cannot choose the ability to fly or to be invisible.) The ability to make dirty diapers disappear.
32. What’s the craziest thing you have slept through? The Curious George movie is all I can think of
33. What movie would you not want to be made into a sequel? Animal House
34. What is the strangest thing you have stolen? Your hearts.
35. Have you ever super glued yourself to anything? Just… to myself.
36. What song annoys you the most these days? I’m still just kind of cheesed off at the Cure in general.
37. What do you believe Elvis is doing right now? Elvis Sinosec? I hear he retired from fighting.
38. What famous animal would you most like to eat? Famous animal? What the heck does that mean?
39. Vanilla Ice? Is this the whole question?
40. When somebody asks you if their baby is cute, and it is not, how do you respond? ”What beautiful eyes! All three of them!”
41. How much money would it take for you to hug a bum? What’s with all the bum hatin’?
42. You’ve crash landed away from civilization. You’re bleeding to death, and know that you are going to die. Do you give survivors permission to eat you? Laughing… Did they crash with any condiments? I need to know. If it’s mayonnaise, no deal.
43. There is a riot, and people are pillaging, which store do you loot? Shame on you for asking! Go sit in the time out chair!
44. Would you rather be a Viking or an astronaut? I AM a viking.
45. Heaven or Hell? Why? Heaven... so I won’t have to hang out with umpires.
46. Describe in detail how you would least like to die. Watching Adam Sandler movies.
47. What do you O.C.D about? Preventing vomiting
48. You’re drunk at a red carpet event in Hollywood. You wake up the next day… what celebrity would you least like to wake up next to? Ernest Borgnine
49. What is your favorite style of mullet? Holy canoli, almost 50 questions into this piece of junk and I’m being asked about mullets.
50. Which is more truthful of you: I like to run with scissors or I like to make naked snow angels? My brain hurts…
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