Friday, November 05, 2004

Happy Friday

Happy Friday, and caffeinated love to you all. We've just about cheated Death for another workin' week.

"Funny thing about weekends when you're unemployed--they don't mean quite so much. 'Cept you get to hang out with your workin' friends." -- Primus

KERA had another round of layoffs. My buddy Danny kept his job. My buddy Chris did not. This is the status quo in 2004. Looks like this'll be the status quo through at least 2008.

But have a good weekend. Cherish the ones you love. Be good to yourself. Make that phone call that's long overdue. They'll be happy to hear from you.

And be sure to visit High Bias ( Send the editor wads of cash. And nekkid photos. Well, I'm not talking to you, Geoff...

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