Tuesday, December 04, 2007


You know, there's a joke in my household that Wolfboy will have a way with women like I never did. He's got a lot in common with my father, and that's why MOBB says, "Studliness skipped a generation" sometimes.

And I can't argue. I've seen a gaze from that kid reduce a teenaged girl to stuttering. I've seen him kiss little girls at birthday parties right on the lips.

But sometimes... sometimes I wonder.


He has long professed that his one true love is a little girl from his daycare. I know I've mentioned her before. They haven't spent any real time together in a couple years, an eternity for a kid his age, yet he still claims to love her.

I'll call her Nevada.


So Wolfboy's bumped into Nevada a couple times this week, because she too has a little sister at their old daycare. Yesterday they faced each other for the first time in quite a while. She had a little rubber ball or something, and they started bouncing it to each other. I could sense his happiness at seeing her.

They bounced the ball, made little kid small-talk, and...

...he clutched his penis like it was going to run off to Tahiti.




I was standing behind her, kinda grunt-whispering, "Let it go, boy! LET! GO! Lettigolettigolettigo!"

I finally caught his attention: "What, Dad?"



"Let GO of your--"

And that's when Nevada turned around and stared at me.


I tried to finish getting the message to him using a combination of exasperated looks and all those universal hand signals for "stop" and "ix-nay" and "look, it's la migra!"

Finally, he turned it loose. And... we were done. It was time to go. He walked out the door with us, and paused.


Here she came. HER, the love of his short life, approaching him. She was going to cross his personal space there in the doorway.

I began to think to myself: Saaaaay... isn't SHE the one he kissed at the party that time? My gosh, is he... is he going to kiss her RIGHT NOW?

He froze there, and as she walked past him he bent backwards at the waist like Neo in The Matrix. With a coy smile she kept walking as he said, "Whoa!"

(Seven-year-olds can be coy... who knew?)


So Wolfboy, son of BB, but more importantly the Grandson of Doug, acted like a regular little kid when confronted with his sweetheart. With some junk gripping thrown in.

Perhaps I've overestimated this kid's abilities.

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