Monday, January 21, 2008

A Multitude of Surveys

1. Name a stereotypical Goth trait that is actually true of you. Oh, my preoccupation with paintin’ my fingernails black.

2. Do you like to go to cemeteries? Sure… everyone’s dying to get in!

3. Morbid humor, yes or no. A guy walks into a bar with a tiny piano and an 8-inch pianist… whoa, can’t tell that one!

4. Name a favorite place, building, etc. that would fit well within Gothic confines. Well, that tower in front of KTVT looks like Quasimodo should be hanging out of it. Does that count?

5. Name a cartoon that you watched as a kid, that could be considered Goth.

6. Name a non-Goth song that could actually be considered Goth in some way, and why. (Music or lyrics) “It’s Raining Men” by the Weathergirls

7. What is an activity, place, etc, that is ironically Goth related? My sock drawer.

8. Amongst those celebrities who have died, who in your opinion had the most tragic life? Darth Vader

9. What enticed you to become Goth anyway? The membership dues were reasonable, and it keeps the Mormons away.

10. If you had the money to decorate your home in any way, what would you choose? I’m rather fond of the Hello Kitty theme.

11. Stereotypical Goth screen name? Yes/No & why. Oh yes, BB is a very goth screen name since it actually stands for, uh, Black Bart


1. Next person you'll kiss: THEGIRL

2. Next movie you want to see: I dunno. I don't watch movies much

3. Next person you want to go out with: My sister

5. Next time you're going out: This weekend I may be in Angleton for my father’s birthday. Does that count?

6. Next place you'll take vacation: Phoenix

7. Next thing you are going to do after filling this survey out: Go to bed

8. Next thing you are going to eat: For breakfast I’ll probably have a protein shake and a banana.

9. Next time you plan to be drunk: Never! I have had my last drink in this lifetime.

10. Next thing you are going to do outside: Take out the trash

11. Next person you'd like to see fill this out: Amanda


1. Last kiss: THEGIRL

2. Last person you hugged: Wolfboy

3. Last person you spoke to: MOBB

4. Last alcoholic beverage: beer

6. Last movie: X-Men

7. Last person you thought of: THEGIRL

8. Last school you went to: Still attending Texas Wesleyan

9. Last person you said I love you to: Wolfboy

10. Last run in with the Law: Run in? Not sure. Pulled over and given a warning a few years ago.

11. Last fight you were in: Hmm… came very, very close to being in one in March of ’06. Before that, probably 1983…?

12. Last bar/club/concert/party you went to: Helmet I suppose

13. Last person you IMed: I don’t do that much. Dunno. Nadine maybe.

14. Last thing you ate: Yogurt

15. Last thing you saved up money for: A brain transplant


1. First kiss: Angela, freshman year

2. First true Love: LLB

3. First heartbreak: Lisa

4. First car: ’71 Chevy pickup. Blue.

5. First pet: A Scotty/Dachsund mix named Dooley

6. First computer: A Mac with four (4) whopping megs of RAM

7. First concert: The Firm!

8. First alcoholic beverage: Probably beer.

9. First time you stayed out all night: High school, fishing with my father and stepbrother

10. First best friend: Steve Meier!

11. First job: Burgersmith for one weekend. Or was it one day? Maybe Jack in the Box when I was 16 is a better answer.

12. First school: Southside Elementary. Not gonna count kindergarten.

13. First movie you watched in a theater: Who remembers this? Perhaps it was some early 70s Ray Harryhausen flick.

14. First thing you really saved up money for: Uh… comics?

B - BEST FRIEND: I’ve got a fistful.
C - CRUSH: I think I’m finally too old for this
F - FAVORITE BAND? The Weathergirls
G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS: How about I just jam this fork in my eye?
K - KIDS: Two.
L- LONGEST CAR JOURNEY: Probably from Austin to Nashville.
M - MILK FLAVOR? Coffee.
O - ONE WISH: Peace
P - PHOBIAS: Tornadoes
Q- FAVOURITE QUOTE: " I just need an overwhelming amount of love. And a nap. Mostly a nap.” –Townes Van Zandt
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: “Strawberry Letter 23” by the Brothers Johnson
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 7:30 maybe?
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I once shoved a sub sandwich in Paul Simon’s face.
W- WORST HABITS: Wasting time online
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Plenty, all over. Turns out my skeleton isn’t made of adamantium after all
Y - YUMMY FOOD: Pho, baby!
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: The Western one is Virgo, though according to all your finer Chinese restaurant placemats I was born in the year of the monkey.

L - A - S - T:
01. Last Rule Breaker: All day, every day. When you roll with the Briscoe Kid, you live life on the edge
02. Last Kiss: THEGIRL.
03. Last Cry: Last week
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: A Miracle of Catfish by Larry Brown
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theater: Crikey… That Mr. Bean movie maybe?
06. Last Book Read: Some school textbook
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: Damn
08. Last Beverage Drank: Water
11. Last TV Show Watched: The end of that CSI show with that little redheaded guy who has built a career on slowly removing his sunglasses and saying tough-guy lines.
12. Last Time Showered: 9:30pm
13. Last Shoes Worn: Sneakers
14. Last CD played: Love by the Beatles
15. Last Soda Drank: Vanilla coke zero
16. Last Thing Written: Endless emails
17. Last Words Spoken: Does singing to the Brothers Johnson count?
18. Last Annoyance: Pleading the fifth
19. Last Web Site Visit: Yahoo mail

B - O - D - Y:
01. Piercings: 1 (an ear which may or may not have closed up by now)
02. Tattoos: Not for me
03. Height: 5'11"
04. Shoe size: 10.5
05. Hair color: Black and grey

L A S T . . .
01. Movie you rented: Terminator 3 perhaps
02. Movie you bought: ha! Superbad!
03. Song you listened to: Crikey, repetitive nonsense…
04. Song that was stuck in your head: “Friend of the Devil”
06. Person that's called you: My father

01. You have a crush on someone: No
02. You wish you could live somewhere else: No
03. You think about suicide: Yep. And I think, “Suicide’s terrible! I won’t be doing THAT!”
04. You believe in online dating: Hey, I don’t have the answers for this stuff, so how can I knock it?
05. You want more Piercings: Sure. I’m going to just drive a full-blown railroad spike right through my skull.
06. You drink: No
07. You do drugs: No
08. You smoke: No
09. You like cleaning: No
10. You like roller coasters: Not really
11. You write in cursive or print: Print

F O R O R A G A I N S T...
01. Teenage smoking: Against
02. Doing drugs: Against
03. Driving drunk: Against
04. Soap operas: Eh?

H A V E Y O U . . .
01. Ever cried over a female/male: Sure
02. Ever lied to someone: who hasnt?
03. Ever been in a fist fight: Some
04. Ever been arrested: no

W H A T...
01. Favorite alcoholic drink: None. I liked beer quite a bit back in the day
02. Shoes do you wear: I wore boots all day
03. Are you scared of: Tornadoes, and plastic boobs
04. What’s your favorite flower: I kinda like snapdragons

N U M B E R . . .
01. Of times you have been in love? I refuse to count.
02. Of times you have had your heart broken? Plenty
03. Of drugs taken? Can we change the subject?
04. Of people you consider your enemies? None
05. Of scars on your body? Lots


Fill this out IN YOUR OWN WORDS and repost as, "My autobiography" ... And use your own answers, not anyone else's, thank YOU.

1.Where did you take your default pic?
At Jade Mountain Martial Arts in Katy, Texas. If I look a little loopy it’s because I’d been tossed on my head a few times.

2.What exactly are you wearing right now?
Pajama pants, a blood donor t-shirt, under-stuff, and no shoes or socks.

3.What is your current problem?
My mind

4.What makes you most happy?
My kids

5.What's the name of the song that you're listening now?
“Unmeaningless” by Doug Powell

6.Any celeb you would marry?
Debbie Gibson

7.Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Elliot Gould

8.Ever sang in front of a large audience?
Yes. Hopped onstage with Dash Rip Rock to sing “Gimme Three Steps” once. I wasn’t well-received, and then-girlfriend MOBB told me I’d made a fool of myself.

9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
I get the occasional comparison to John Cusack. Very, very flattering, though based more on behavior than looks I’d say.

10.Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
Yep. I have kids. I sat through three hours of Batman cartoons today, for example.

11.Do you speak any other languages?
I speak Spanish too

12.Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?

13.Do you ever watch MTV?
No. I don’t even have basic cable.

14.What's something that really annoys you?
Those “ring for service” bells. They hurt my ears quite a bit.

Chapter 1:

1.Middle name: Douglas

2.Nickname(s): BB

3.Current location: Hurst, Texas

4.Eye color: Hazel

Chapter 2:

1.Do you live with your parents: No. I’m almost 40.

2.Do you get along with your parent(s): Yes

3.Are your parents married/separated/divorced: The people I consider to be my parents are quite happily married

4.Do you have any Siblings?: Sister

Chapter 3: Favorites

1. IceCream: Mint chocolate chip

2.Season: Despite the allergy problems, I’m sticking with spring

3.Shampoo/conditioner: Head/shoulders. The curse of dry skin.

Chapter 4: Do You:

1.Dance in the shower: Noooo

2.Write on your hand: Not anymore. But maybe I’ll go hardcore on you and tattoo KRAV MAGA on my knuckles.

3.Call people back: I try to. Whit can tell you I’m not so great about it.

4.Believe in love: Yes. Period.

5.Sleep on a certain side of the bed: Yes. If you’re standing at the foot of the bed, I sleep on the right side.

6. Any bad habits: Heh heh… know me at all?

7. Any mental health issues?: I believe everyone does. I get by. Except when I gets this overwhelmin’ urge to steal Jolly Ranchers

Chapter 5: Have You...

1.Broken a bone: Several fingers. Nothing more

2.Sprained stuff: Lots of strains, back injuries, muscle aches, neck stuff… but never an actual sprain that I recall.

3.Had physical therapy?: A few times. Back problems, hip flexor problems, and a recurring calf problem.

4.Gotten stitches: Yeah. I forget how many. I’ve got a horseshoe-shaped scar above my left ear, and under my left eyebrow is a gnarly scar from a bad bike accident.

5.Taken painkillers: I take nothing stronger than anti-inflammatories for pain

6.Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling: A little snorkeling

7.Been stung by a bee: Yeah, couple times

8.Thrown up at the dentist: What? No. Is this a gagging thing?

9.Sworn in front of your parents: yes

10.Had detention: Never did. I behaved fairly well at school.

11.Been sent to the principal's office: I guess not

12.Been called a hoe: Uh… no, but I’ve been told I’m dumb as a bag of hammers.

Chaper 6: Who/What was the last

1.Movie(s): Most of X-Men with my son today

2.Person to text you?: Whit

3.Person you called: Whit

4.Person who hugged: THEGIRL

5.Person you tackled? Tackled? Er… probably Whit

6.Thing you touched: My knee

7.Thing you ate: Coconut yogurt

8.Thing you drank: Water

9.Thing you said: “I’ll be in there in a minute”

10.Friends you miss the most that have moved: Uh… I don’t have anyone who technically falls into this category. But I miss my Houston area friends a lot.

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