Friday, January 16, 2009

I Am Iron Dad

It's Friday night, and MOBB is watching Iron Man.

This movie is so flippin' great.

And I'm ready for an Avengers movie. I mean, we've already seen Iron Man, Spider-Man, the Hulk, Storm, and Wolverine on the big screen. How hard would it be to write Captain America into an Avengers script?

And you know... why hasn't Cap's costume ever changed?


I bought some wrestling shoes tonight.


The head of the school of social work at Tarleton asked me to give a lecture this semester.

Do you have any idea how pumped I am to do this?


I have no particular plans this weekend.


I've been listening to a lot of Spock's Beard lately. Snow is one terrific CD.


I've been thinking about our home state lately.

The machine at the hotel made Texas-shaped waffles. Tell me: If you're from, say, some rectangular-shaped state like Kansas or North Dakota, do the hotel waffle irons there make rectangular waffles?

I think I'll cogitate on this one a while, see if there's a real post to be had.


An excellent point made at the conference yesterday:

Immigration from Mexico is a concern. Whether you want open borders, fewer immigrants, more immigrants, tougher laws, more flexible laws... everyone has an opinion about it.

What happens when and if Mexico genuinely becomes a failed state, and suddenly those immigrants are refugees, fleeing north with only what they can carry? How do we respond when they are gathered at the border?


Y'all have a great weekend.

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