Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm Alive

Very much alive.


Happy Friday to you all. Caffeinated love.

Does anyone else have allergy crap going on?


We've ordered our new mattress, which is due to arrive tomorrow. Can't wait! I've slept the last several nights in THEBOY's bed, as his mattress is much more comfortable.


Went to Krav last night. As of Monday my back was bad, really bad. My pain was 8s and 9s on the 1-10 scale. But I took care of it, saw my chiropractor, all that. It improved rapidly (thanks in no small part to THEBOY's mattress I'd guess).

So last night I braved it, after consulting with the chiro. I went almost full out, came home and iced it.


THEBOY is enjoying his MMA classes. He and the instructor had a bit of a misunderstanding last night that left them both in tears. I stayed out of it.

THEBOY, see, has a sensitive streak, and sometimes it can be triggered by the darnedest things. It only served to reinforce my respect for the instructor, Mr. Wilson.


THEBOY is going to Sea World tomorrow. He's going with his best friend (and that child's mother, of course). I'm scared to let the little guy go, but that's just the overprotective Dad in me. She's a great mom, really attentive and loving and trustworthy. It's just... me. It's a long drive! He'll be so far away, and I won't have control over a thing.

Tuck that away in my case file.


I did it. I sat through a Boston song last night. First time in 20 years I'll bet. It was that one called "Long Time" or something. I'm still at lifetime burnout on those guys. But after the passing of Brad Delp I just thought I'd... listen for something. I don't know what. It's such an upbeat song. I can still hear it pumping out of my stepbrother's stereo on LP, back in '82 or so.


I have an office of my own now, and I need to decorate it. I'm slowly taking down all the feminine stuff left here by previous occupants. I'm trying to decide what to use. I'm leaning towards B&W music prints. Or maybe some color too. Or old concert posters (well, reproductions at least). Not sure.

I found myself thinking today I'd get some cool images of Billie Holiday, Chet Baker, SRV, Johnny Cash... addicts, all addicts.

I'd love to have that shot of Johnny Cash shooting the bird, but it wouldn't go over in my work environment.


Maybe more later. Be good.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh boy do we have allergies. Son's airways have gone all reactive and his eyes were swollen this morning.