Monday, January 22, 2007

My Feet Smelled Great, Thank You!

Just to kill time:
Five things about me most folks don't know:
(In no particular order)
When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be a veterinarian. Then I took some pet to a vet's office, where he proudly displayed a poodle brain in a jar. And for whatever reason, that capped it; no vet work for me.
I planned to join the military at one point in the late 80s. I even went down to the recruiter's office. Guess what? They're closed on Veteran's Day (go figure). In the following 24 hours my girlfriend talked me out of it.
In November of 1991 I watched an orange fireball zip across the Austin sky. It had a flaming, sparking tail. It moved silently out of sight. I must have watched it for 30 seconds.
I have webbed toes. Yep.
I broke a finger playing football once and didn't see the doc. Now, well, I've just got this crooked-ass finger.
THEGIRL started at a new daycare today. That is, she returned to the one she attended as an infant and young toddler. I hope she did okay.
So as I sat in the podiatrist's office Friday, it occurred to me that I'd been in my boots all day, and that my feet probably didn't smell, you know, springtime fresh or anything.
The nurse escorted me to the examining room and told me to take off my shoes. I had a bright idea, or so I thought: I squirted a bunch of that hand sanitizer into my palm and quickly rubbed it over my feet.
And the nursed <EM>LAAAAAAAAUGHED</EM> and laughed. "Now that's a new one," she said, still rolling with big belly laughs.
"Look, you can laugh if you want, but I've been in those boots all day and I'm just trying to be considerate," I said with mock anger.
And through our dealings she's occasionally comment that my feet smelled great.
Ha ha.
MOBB has a job interview next week!
I haven't had an overnight freakout since last summer.
I start the marriage/family class tonight. The prof comes highly recommended, and I'm looking forward to it.
Be good.


Anonymous said...

May I borrow "Overnight Freak Out" for my future imaginary band's first album title?

I'll take a yes or being ignored as an affirmative.

Jeff P.

Amanda said...

What a nifty use of hand sanitizer.
You are so considerate. Are you really sure we're related?

Geoff said...

I just realized that when i read your blog your kids names are all said by the 'Bears Fans' from SNL in the 80s...