Friday, January 28, 2005

Dark Suits and Sunglasses

Started the day with a nice cup of whatever Starbucks had brewing and a cinnamon scone. Mmm... nothing like that double dose of sugar and caffeine to start a Friday...


May have a new entry from the Gulf Coast Boy (aka Dad) soon; seems his most recent fishing trip turned into a debacle of the greatest magnitude.

And I'd suggested that he write a story about the time a bad man in Brazoria County got the attention of the FBI, who enlisted Dad's help. I'm not kidding. But it turns out that some of the prominent players in that scenario are currently still in the public eye, and Dad doesn't feel that trotting out the details would be a good idea. Can't say I blame him.


And you know, the above-mentioned episode doesn't involve my step-great grandfather, who also got the attention of the FBI. This man was, from what I gather, something of a con artist. Got himself crossways with the gov't over $600,000 in income taxes and ended up in prison. It wasn't exactly maximum security, though, and on some sort of work or work-release program he simply opted one evening not to show back up. Next thing you know guys in dark suits and sunglasses are interviewing some of the family. But really, none of us ever saw him again.


I dreamed some relative of mine married rapper Ice T, and as some sort of gesture of gratitude he was trying to deposit $4mil in my bank account. I was all for it, but it drew a lot of attention, and our hopes of keeping the IRS unaware of it were shot.


Happy Friday. Go home and forget about your jobs tonight.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I agree with you on the second child comment. I can't get over how Maddie can just go to the living room and attack the pile of toys in there. She is not hard at all to entertain. The only time she can't entertain herself is when I am trying to do work. Today I was a bad mom and sent them both to daycare for 2.5 hours. Aaron had a fine time; Maddie cried the whole time. Not sure if I will take her again. I know the more she goes the more she will get used to it. I just hate to do that to her. But it was nice to get the house really clean without a)having her screaming on my leg or b) tiptoeing around trying to clean while they are sleeping.

Let me know if you read anything interesting in your child development class.