Thursday, June 23, 2005

Flitting Away

I’m fabulously disinterested in doing my work this morning. Which is pretty typical.

But I feel like flitting away, like eluding the grasp of responsibility to do… anything else!

Yes, I’m a freakin’ butterfly, the type that’s currently listening to “Ironhead” by Helmet. We’re a rare breed.

Dang… the boss brought Gevalia coffee… maybe she spiked it…


My class is winding down, sort of. I’ve wrapped up the chapter quizzes, all 15 of them. Average score: 93. Got a big exam tonight, and too bad, because we need to do a lot in the house before the cleaning lady comes tomorrow.

Oh, it’s not that “my house is such a wreck that I have to clean it before letting the cleaning person in” conundrum. It’s just that we have to put things away, reduce clutter, that sort of thing. We’re hoping to list Monday.

Between now and then I need to:

Paint the eves
Put in a new light once I’m done painting
Rig up a new electrical outlet in the back yard (most likely)
Get rid of the scrap wood from the old eves
Clean the garage
Clean out my closet

And I get the feeling the slow drain in the front bathroom is going to come back to haunt me before all is said and done. But at least it won’t jump out at anyone touring the house.


Headed to Frisco with Kevin tomorrow night to watch the Roughriders, with tix courtesy of Erik Hood. They’ve got three pitchers with a serious buzz at the moment: John Danks, Thomas Diamond, and some guy named Volquez. I’d sure like to see one of those guys pitch.


And Saturday we go to Corsicana to shop for more houses. I think we’ll take another long hard look at Sycamore.

There’s another house on my mind down there, one at the very upper end of our price range, naturally. But it’s sort of captivating me… it’s neat and tidy, spacious, with a manicured front yard and a huge back deck that overlooks this great wooded area. It’s almost a perfect yard for a little boy as far as I’m concerned.


Kelli got her hair cut and she’s looking good. Like I always tell her, it’s like having a new woman in the house when she does that.


The Longhorns are going back to the College World Series championship game. I felt bad for Baylor to see them dispatched with the walk-off homer and all… but not that bad.


Speaking of baseball… here’s Soundgarden doing “Ty Cobb.” Not sure the song really has anything to do with the man himself, but I love the chorus: “Hardheaded, f*ck you all!”


I’m all out of meaningless prattle for now. Have a good Thursday, or I’ll have Mike Llorca kick your butt.

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