Saturday, August 05, 2006


Kelli is home.

All is good.

Plenty more to come. She's fine, we're fine... time to crash though.

Entry #2 from last month's "Bigger" journal.


July 3, 2006


Well, I hit the gym this morning. At home I’m stocked up on protein powder. I bought a bunch of Egg Beaters in order to regularly include protein in my breakfasts, and I even bought some tofu to throw in with the occasional noodle meal, so it’s not just a carb boost but a bit better-rounded.

There’s always the matter of starting and all, taking that first step. I put on the workout clothes, hit the gym and WHOA was it a little crowded. Okay okay.

I stretched, eyeballed some free weights and machines and got started in earnest.

It went well until the incline press, when the pain in my shoulder that’s barked at me for years started howling. Ah crap. This may not just be old guy-itis; I might actually be injured. Crap crap crap.

Our insurance isn’t exactly stellar right now, seeing as how we got the stop-gap variety meant to only last until, hopefully, I get a job.

There’s a licensed massage therapist at Tiger Klay whom I’ll approach about looking at my shoulder.


Had another shake. Strawberry this time. I blended in a banana for some reason. Taste wasn’t bad, but man is this stuff filling.

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