Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bleerily I Go Into That Snowy Night...

If anything I post tonight makes sense it'll be an accident.


I'm bleery-eyed, wired up from five hours of working on one of my finals. It's been a good challenge, really a... wholly appropriate sort of thing to do to counseling students at this stage of the program. Five hours into it I'm about 40% done. Oy.


THEBOY was home yesterday and today, and will be home tomorrow. He tested positive for strep this morning. For a kid with such a no-no illness (the nurse intercepted him at school today and sent him back home), he's acting so... normal. He plays, runs, makes funny voices, eats whatever he wants... I mean, I'm glad he's not bedridden with fever or anything, but dude... THIS is a sick kid?


It's been a week full of drama. I'm not going to post about it. Some of you (Whit, Amanda, Geoff, Toland) know about it already. If you're interested let me know, but I'm so sick of it all I'm likely to send the shortest summary I can.


I had to haul THEBOY around way too much in this snowy crap today. Sleet, freezing rain, strangely large snow... I drove the point home to THEBOY several times today: The road has ice, I'm cold, this stuff is wet, it stings when it hits my face and my kids get sick...

And that's when MOBB called me from the SMU campus, telling me how wonderful it was. Man. She sounded positively jubilant.

In some ways we're very different people.


BB's current therapy: "Shake 'Em On Down" by Bukka White




Night night.


Amanda said...

I think that snow and wintry weather is neat... to a point. When it snowed here in 2004 I was thrilled and took a midnight walk just the check it out. But, it was Christmas, and I had nowhere to go, no driving. No way would I want to go about my daily business in it.

Geoff said...

I loved Snow in Dallas if I was home when it started snowing. Just call in sick to work, watch movies all day, and then go wind snowballs at neighborhood kids... if it snowed while I was at work, though. Now that sucked.

Anonymous said...

Winter is great in doses, BB. Embrace your inner polar bear.

We had 8 inches of snow in my driveway yesterday...the kids got a day off of school, but sadly, I reported to work (a tad late).

But here come the sleds today (Saturday)!

Jeff P.

BB said...

The same weather that prompted me to grumble and whine prompted me wife (who was out in it all day) to call me and ask, "Isn't it WONDERFUL???"

Our marriage is built on the Green Acres paradigm.

BB said...

The same weather that prompted me to grumble and whine prompted my wife (who was out in it all day) to call me and ask, "Isn't it WONDERFUL???"

Our marriage is built on the Green Acres paradigm.