Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Masochist in Me is the Sadist in You

Astros just tied it 5-5--this is exciting baseball! I have this feeling my gut that we're just in for heartbreak though. It's the same feeling I had watching every Rangers playoff game after our one and only victory over the Yankees in '96.

Texas went on to get swept in the playoffs in '98 and '99, if you recall. By the last game of that second sweep I was ready for a straightjacket. The local headline read NIGHTMARE.


But... the Astros are built on pitching, which the Rangers haven't often had. It ain't over yet.


Not a good workout tonight. Man the human body is a funny machine. I ate baked tilapia with asparagus. At the gym my stamina was mediocre, my inspiration about zip. I got through the workout, then played gym coach and told myself to get my ass upstairs to the track to run a mile. That helped.


Lidge is getting loose. Whichever deity is pulling duty tonight... please, don't let Lidge give up another walkoff homer.


Kelli and I split duties watching sick Laura today. She had no fever at any point, but that cough of hers bothers me. Last night she'd had a fever, so we opted to keep her home today.

I don't qualify for vacation at KTVT until 11/05. I explained my dilemma to them, and they graciously offered to give me some vacation time early.

I have to admit that I'm really not used to a employer being so... so... reasonable.


Tried on my Halloween costume tonight. Ah, I have indeed conjured the Torgo spirit. No one will know who the heck I am, but I might take along a DVD or something. People need to see Manos: The Hands of Fate.


The woman who runs THEBOY'S new daycare stopped us as we left today. She said she just had to tell me what a good boy he is, and how he is well-behaved even when the other students aren't. She said the rules are important to him, and he sets a good example for the others.

She said a kid like that could grow up to be president. I was flattered, and THEBOY was proud. And vice versa.


Kelli's wrapped up in su doku puzzles these days. I haven't done it, but if the draw is anything like Scrabble... I'd better not even start.


UFC2 last night... I'm telling you, Luke is an interesting character. Sometimes he seems like an animal, sometimes he seems brilliant. And he's won two good fights now.


I'm going to end this now, and preserve this moment in time where the Astros are still in it. Maybe they'll go on to win tonight, maybe not. But I'll just close this out here as a little time capsule.


Geoff said...

What the hell are you talking about? What happened to Arlovski?

Anonymous said...

Yo, Macho...the UFC Unleashed was a rerun of previous fights. That fight was an old one. They are just replaying the old fights to catch up those folks who weren't following UFC at the time.

And it's Tim Sylvia...not Frank. The guy who snapped his arm was Frank Mir. Have a great day!

BB said...

Frank, Tim... hell, I could have sworn he was Silva anyway.

Repeats! All these years in TV and it never occurred to me that they'd be repeats... must... put... down... bong...

I told someone this morning that if they cut open my chest they'd find a baseball where my heart should be.

There may be one in my skull too.

Anonymous said...

...a kid like that could grow up to be president.
President Briscoe. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
