Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Run BB Run

[A brief synopsis of today]


Turn off the alarm clock, BB. Don't hit snooze. You never do anyway. You never have.

Start the Beatles CD and turn on the light in THEBOY's room while you shave.

Find clothes for THEBOY to wear, fix his breakfast.

Pack snacks, laptop, two textbooks and make a protein shake.

Get ready to go. Newly awakened THEGIRL is asking you to take her to school, which is usually her mother's job. Stare at the clock and do the math. It looks like you can drop the kids off at their schools, though they're miles apart, and still make the big meeting on time.


"Tell your mother goodbye, and that she owes me one," you jokingly instruct the kids as you walk out the door.

The van is on empty. Dang. Subtract 10 minutes from the earlier estimate.

Drop off THEBOY. Drop off THEGIRL. Get gas.

Walk into the big meeting in Ft. Worth at one minute until start time. A bigwig in your organization is nice to you, and you chat briefly. She calls you "Daniel" repeatedly as you talk.

Have a seat, catch your breath.

"Everyone stand up," says the presenter. "Today's meeting will be interactive."

Stand for 30 minutes, tossing a ball and answering agency-related questions.

At breaktime, grab a tiny cup of coffee, the first you've had in three days. The bigwig comes by and calls you "Daniel" again. You finally have the nerve to correct her. She smiles. You smile. She walks away.

Talk to a coworker about the challenges at the new office. The internet provider has backed out, and at this point the agency may be moving forward using stone tablets and carrier pigeons.

Bigwig returns, this time with a bigwig from a local hospital in tow. He starts peppering you with questions from a three-week-old referral. The coffee helps just enough for you to recall the name and details. You have a pleasant chat.

The meeting resumes. You get to sit and listen to a state representative's aid go over recent legislation in detail.

The meeting ends. Lots of stuff is said during the meeting. Eh, you've got the Powerpoint.

Another coworker overhears you say you're hungry and informs you that she's joining you for lunch. Oh. Okay.

Though you're not in the mood for company, lunch actually goes okay, and the food is good.

Head to the office knowing that there's no internet, and wonder just what you can do to fill the time.

Walk in and learn that the day you moved in a woman (no one you know) was robbed at gunpoint in the parking lot. "Where was the gun?" you ask.

"Side of the head" is the reply. You've practiced a defense for that 1000 times in Krav but have no idea whether you could muster it in real life. It's a difficult move.

Sit down and take a deep breath. Three coworkers hit you up to help them clean out the main area so it'll look better for the upcoming meet 'n' greet Friday. Okay. All afternoon you store things and clean things and make trips to the dumpster.

During it all a friend of yours makes it clear she's feeling as loopy as you are, and you get several good belly laugh breaks.

Quittin' time comes. Head to the van, eyeing everyone in the parking lot suspiciously. The lady with the stroller doesn't seem to appreciate it.

Pick up THEBOY, who has gashed his toe on the playground. Drat.

Hit Target for some rotisserie chicken. Drop it off at home, and as you leave again to pick up THEGIRL, hope like hell you put it in the oven but didn't actually turn on the oven. You're sure you didn't turn it on. Pretty sure.

Pick up THEGIRL and head home. A great gift from Aunt Amanda arrives in the mail. You show THEGIRL how to put on her sparkly flip flops and give THEBOY a crash course in what happens when an acid (vinegar) meets a base (baking soda).

(Bitchin' volcano toy, Sis!)

Hope you can make 8pm Muay Thai, but you know better.

Feed the kids. They like the chicken and some new veggie chips. Tell them to leave some chips for their mother, as she'll be home soon--right?--to join us for supper. Get a text from MOBB at 7pm: "Is it okay for me to stay late?" Um... okay... you already have...

Put on Bambi in one room and Batman in the other. THEGIRL seems to love Bambi, but it's awfully dark and gritty in some places.

Write a two-page paper on couples therapy for PTSD sufferers.

Run a bath for THEBOY. The rough draft of the paper is done, and you realize you have a few free minutes. You grab the guitar and try in vain to figure out the Bad Company song that's going through your head.

Come out of the study and THEGIRL is nowhere to be seen at first. You look around and there at the dinner table is a tiny figure under a green blanket.

Crap--looks like Bambi shook her up after all, you think. You call her name and she says nothing.

You reach down to embrace this dear girl, whom you assume is scared, and you hear something...

Crunch crunch crunch

You realize that a nearly-empty bag of veggie chips is sitting on the table beside her and have your second round of belly laughs for the day.

You cannot chastise her, but you tell her she's done.

THEBOY's bath is over, and THEGIRL starts hers. MOBB comes home and takes over like a champ.

Muay Thai is long over.

Read a comic book, complete with 10 character voices, to THEBOY in bed. Tell him good night.

Gamely let THEGIRL smack you in the head with a teddy bear as you tell her good night.

Finish editing the counseling video you have to present tomorrow night. Make dubs.

MOBB goes to bed.

You were the first up this morning and will be the last down tonight, BB.

The alarm will buzz in about seven and a half hours.


Amanda said...

Dear Daniel,
I don't know how you do it all. I can't even concentrate for an hour to pay bills with my kids around. I hope today goes more smoothly for you.

P.S. I am so glad the kids liked the goodies. Please don't hate me about the volcano....

Anonymous said...

I pawned the girls off on my parents and then laid on the couch and watched the Nationals kick the Astros collective ass. I think I dozed off a few times. Made some microwave popcorn and searched the refrigerator for my Dr. Pepper.

Gosh, Daniel, but I had a hard day...


Anonymous said...

Hey, Daniel,

We'll watch out for each other in the parking lot.


PS It's a shame THEGIRL has to eat hiding under a blanket! lol