Monday, July 16, 2007

What Got Said:

Tonight, as I tried to play a song on the guitar.

THEGIRL: “I need a movie!”

(Repeat 29 times)


Today, as my sister and brother-in-law filled out passport paperwork:

"So, both of your parents are US citizens, even though you brother looks like a Pakistani?"


Today, as THEBOY told me today I should go with him to NRH20 soon:

“But you shouldn’t wear a bathing suit, because you’ll look naked to the herd.”

ME: “Uh… what?”

THEBOY: “Ah nevermind. But people won't want to see your bellybutton.”


Tonight, as I told MOBB about the brother-in-law’s remark and reminded her that someday I want to have that fancy genetic testing that tells EVERYTHING that’s in your bloodline.

“I just hope nothing comes out as unknown!”

She seemed to think that I could have, like, 3% unknown in my genetic makeup. I think she’s worried that I’m part Labrador or something.


Actually, she could be right… ask either of my kids about “doggy Daddy.”


Whit, texting me as I did my workout yesterday: “I just had a brownie.”


Ya'll have a terrific week.

(I had no coffee today, so I'm sending you decaffeinated love.)


[EDIT: Man I hope that joke with "Pakistani" in it doesn't come across wrong. I'm an open-minded, multi-cultural sort of guy... am I being too much of a Briscoe here?]


amcnew said...

Did The Boy pronounced it "nekkid?"

Anonymous said...

Everyone is quite clear on the fact that you are part Eskimo.

Jeff P.