Monday, August 13, 2007

Words which I have used that got me made fun of

I passed a Truegreen/Chemlawn truck this morning that was apparently on fire. Smoke was just pouring out of the underside. Maybe it was mechanical, maybe something else... but I was pretty uneasy when I thought about having to drive past a burning truck full of fertilizer.

The smoke was everywhere as he pulled onto the shoulder. And sure enough, as I drove past--BANG! Something exploded or popped.

I specifically thought, I don't want to die like THIS.


BB's current therapy: "May This Be Love" by Jimi Hendrix


Words which I have used that got me made fun of, part #1:


Yep. Described a dessert as decadent once, and the woman I was with laughed and said, "No one says 'decaden'."

Well I do.


Looking forward to the Chicago trip with Hood later this week. We still don't happen to have any TICKETS to see the ballgame. So our first day could be an adventure of just trying to scare up tickets. I can only imagine what they'll cost this late.


Words which I have used that got me made fun of, #2:


Yeah, I was mid-teens maybe, trying to pull one of those scams where I was supposed to sleep over at a buddy's house and he was supposed to sleep at mine, and instead we'd go to some unchaperoned third guy's house and drink beer all night. Only something happened and it was falling apart, and we couldn't do it. I called him, told him it was imperative that we do something or another to cover our tracks. I was freaking out, and he could only laugh: "Imperative! You said it's IMPERATIVE!"


Had a fine Krav workout tonight. Got home and the kids were having a grand time playing with new Legos and princess shoes.

I'm happy to report that Wolfboy played with Legos but did not opt to wear the shoes.

I'm just sayin'.


THEGIRL, on the other hand, is sleeping in some of the shoes right now.


Words which I have used that got me made fun of, #3:


This was in the late 80s, when playing Scrabble with a couple of folks, one of whom was my stepfather at that point. I played "kendo" and he laughed. I explained that it's Japanese fencing, and that he could look it up if he wanted. He called bullshit and refused to look it up.


Called Whit today after he'd just worked out. I believe he meant to drop an F bomb in my direction for disturbing his rest, though it came out something like, "Jarboofie."


This is one of those nights I'd like to just lie on my back and look at the stars.


Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Decadent" and "imperative" are two very common words. Contrary to what the lady said, people use "decadent" all the time. Not sure what planet these people are from, but apparently they don't get past Dick & Jane in their reading programs.

"Kendo" may be more uncommon, but hell, even I know what kendo is, and I'm martial arts-ignorant.
