Tuesday, September 19, 2006

it's okay to be tall

I have a job.


That is... well... it's complicated. I start Monday. Hopefully.


At this point I think it's all dependent upon this welt on my arm. I had to have a TB test today. Thing is, 30 years ago when I was getting these things on an annual basis, I always turned up with false positives.

That caused no small amount of hand wringing and phone calls.

SO, I'm told that if this test turns up positive I'll simply have to get a chest X-ray to prove I don't have tuberculosis.

And I'm guessing that extending this screening process thusly could affect the Monday start date.


Are you bored to tears yet?


THEBOY's play date, his third since Friday, went well last night I suppose. He had one of his little girlfriends here, she of the heart-filled sky.

She's had a growth spurt, and I'm told that towering over her classmates has given her a case of the blues. THEBOY called her several days ago to explain that it's okay to be tall.

Maybe I won't be the only counselor in the family.


This morning, in fact, I started to rush down the hall to respond to the cries of THEGIRL. I wasn't sure what was up. THEBOY stood in front of me, hands up.

"Sister doesn't need to have you in there," he said.

"What? Why?"

"Because she stuck out her tongue at Mama, and now she's sad," he said.

Ah... in other words, she stuck out her tongue at her mother and was then GIVEN a reason to be sad. I suspect I missed some butt-chewing.

I found THEBOY's little interception to be rather curious and amusing.


Man, I hit the Goodwill this morning to see if I could score him some pants. The joint was jumping! Turns out there was a half-price sale. I got him four pairs of pants for $6. Some of them might even fit him.


I worked out with a nice lady at KM last night. Thing is... well, I think she got a bit rattled. I'm not the biggest guy, not the hardest striker... but it was apparent that the onslaught of kicks and knees she had to absorb, even with the pad in front of her, was shaking her up a bit. I felt bad for it, and I pulled what I could...

And when I was done she said, "You're almost as intimidating to work out with as your wife."

Why thanks--uh, what--wait--huh?


Boogie time. Be good.

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