Sunday, September 25, 2005

How Not to Write

From Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities:

"My sense is that on this topic both Marxist and liberal theory have become etiolated in a late Ptolemaic effort to 'save the phenomena'; and that a reorientation of perspective in, as it were, a Copernican spirit is urgently required."


Ha! It's in a book Kelli has to read for a class. I've gotta read a fair amount of stuff for my classes, but yeesh, Kelli's reading about fives times as much for hers. Maybe more.


Good weekend here. Some degree of normalcy is returning to Brazoria County, hopefully. Amanda and Eddie returned home to find nothing of any real consequence awaiting them. Dad's back too. I haven't heard how Matagorda fared.


I've got this crazy idea: I'm thinking about running a marathon. I know, I know... I limp just a bit when I walk right now, sure. I banged up my knees something awful by running in mid-grade cross-trainers.

But if I can get some good shoes, get my knees healed...

See, after my latest run it occurred to me that I felt great. I mean, after three miles my energy was good. If not for the throbbing knees I could run double that for sure.

And you know, it's just kind of opening my mind to my potential. I think I could train and do this thing. Whit's in one in January. I don't know if that gives me enough time, but it's something I'll mull around.


I'm down to 168, a drop of seven or eight pounds in two months. I'm not strictly in this for weight loss; though I'm changing shape (some of my pants are comically loose now), I understand that some muscle tissue is replacing fat. I'm looking at something of a tradeoff in weight.

But I think I'd look pretty good at 160. Lean is the way for me. I'd stand a better chance of looking like Lance Armstrong than Lou Ferrigno (as I've told some of you).


Interesting things coming up: I've got October 2 Rangers tickets, good ones. Last weekend of the series, and I plan to go sans kids. Hope to take the wife, actually.

October 7 the Wallace/Grommit movie opens, and I think it'd be a hoot to take THEBOY. Same weekend there's a play on campus called Blues Man I'd like to see.

The next weekend I've got a psych mid-term, and (oh yeah) Kelli's birthday wingding.

Ya'll have a good week por favor.

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