Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Someone asked me last night, "Hey, how's Fluke doing?"

I just stared.

"You know, Fluke? Your book?"

I had a good belly laugh on the spot. I think that's what I'll start calling it now...


Was at the train depot a couple of summers ago, staring off into one of the little waterways that skirt the property. They're full of ducks and... nutria!

There was a little island out in the middle, and it was just covered with them, sunning themselves, lying around. I grabbed some big rocks and walked to the edge of the train platform. I hurled them as hard as I could a few times, and finally got to where I could land them within about five feet of the island. Out of the blue comes this rock, making a huge splash quite close to the napping nutria.

Their reaction?

Nothing. Didn't care in the least. I guess that's behavior typical of an animal threatened by few or no predators in its adopted ecosystem.


I'm thinking of posting the UFO story this weekend. The blog is certainly good as a repository for stories that aren't going anywhere anyway, right?


The train depot, by the way, is easily the coldest spot in Tarrant County. Elevated, kinda out near scattered buildings and trees and small bodies of water... A breeze shoots through there on a cold winter day that'd make Frosty the Snowman beg for thermal undies.


My sister is coming to town this weekend, and I'm excited! She and Kelli are going to see Duran Duran. Yes, my tongue hurts from all the biting.


Okay, I've had my coffee, avoided work for too long. Happy Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Cindy and I were going to go see Duran Duran, but decided clean clothes for the family was a bit more important (yeah, we had to buy a new washer and dryer).


Anonymous said...

Saved by good hygeine!


Anonymous said...

It's OK Brian. You don't have to bite your tongue so much. I am a grownup now and realize Simon LeBon is not the greatest vocal talent on Earth. Just don't you dare badmouth that still-a-hottie John! And if I disappear to your study, it is because I am busy updating the latest version of my DD "fantasy" short stories....
