Friday, January 13, 2006

I've Got Them Komodo Dragon Blues

Happy Friday, ya’ll.


The guy who zipped in front of me to walk into Starbucks this morning took the last cinnamon scone.


That’s okay, I thought. They’re finally brewing some Komodo Dragon Blend, which I’ve been dying to try.

He bought the last of that too. In fact, it wasn’t quite enough to fill up his grande cup, so he just told them to pour it out and he’d get something different.

I didn't have the four minutes to spare while they brewed another pot, so I went with another coffee.


So that’s why I was running naked through the Sack ‘n’ Save, your honor.


Yeah yeah, I’ve used that joke before. It cracks me up!


Class was good last night. This one looks like it’s going to be really interesting. Great prof, interesting subject, cool projects. Yeah.

And being back among my classmates was good too.


Then I came home and FINALLY drew the “Iron Spidey” picture THEBOY’S been asking for. Apparently Iron Man is giving Spider-Man a new costume as part of some upcoming story line. I told THEBOY about it, and he’s thrilled. Hey, I just know because I’m on Marvel’s email list.

So I drew my best Spidey for him last night. He’s taking it to school for “showing tell” today.


And then BOOM, I hit the sheets at 9:30. Yeah. It was just one of those days where I got tired early, and for once I listened to my body.

I feel pretty good today, lack of Komodo Dragon and cinnamon scone aside.


THEGIRL has now made a smooth transition from crib to bed.

And she used the potty twice yesterday. Wow. She's not even two yet.


Be good. Mostly.


Anonymous said...

"And she used the potty twice yesterday. Wow. She's not even two yet."

Maria can speak to this better than I can, but I wonder if it's because she has an older brother who already uses the potty. Nina did the same thing - potty trained herself early. I've always wondered if it was because she wanted to do it the way her brother did it, as she is with so many things.


BB said...

I wonder about this too. I've mostly heard that girls are easier to train anyway. Her brother wasn't bad to train, though he started much later than she.

I don't know if he's been much of a model for her though. We try to keep her out of there while he's doing his business, and heck, whatever she sees isn't likely to look like her method anyway.

I'd say her mother has probably been the model.

And that concludes today's episode of Potty Talk.

Anonymous said...

The karma of that guy in the Starbucks is going to suck.

Anonymous said...
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BB said...

I love you all. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

But in accordance with BBamI ordinance 1A, please do not post comments that include the names of my children.

Anonymous said...
