Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wuffa wuf moof mahf thung!

THEGIRL has left her crib and now has her own “big girl” bed. She slept well in there, I gather, and went to bed with no more fuss than usual. It’s a cute little toddler bed with side rails. It doesn’t hold as many “friends” (stuffed animals) as the crib did, but you know, she had too many in there anyway.


Ever feel like the odds are stacked against you? I’m undertrained for this race, and my calf is injured. And now at work a bad respiratory bug is going around. It’s progressed in a perfect line through five cubes and an office. If it actually made the loop and came back around to me I’d be last, but of course, I can’t count on this progression anomaly to continue.

I am trying to keep to myself though, not mingle more than necessary.


Current music: “I’m a Boy” by the Who


Man, a coworker’s dog is in poor health, and you know… the grief is palpable. I mean, I know she’s talking to her neighbor about it from their nonverbal communication (and the tissues). And this emotion still tugs at me. Weird.


Early man was hunted by birds? WOW.


One of the sick folks here ran through a course of erythromycin last week that didn't help. She had an allergic reaction, in fact. She looked up possible side effects of the drug, and one was "black hairy tongue."

Now, as a guy who participated in a number of medical studies back in the day, I'm trying to imagine the setting in which this symptom was discovered.

Some guy in his jammies, crawling out of his bunk after yet another nap, wondering if he can get some time on the pool table, or maybe find an issue of Time laying around with a date more recent than two years ago. But his post-nap mouth funk is worse than usual. He sticks out his tongue and says something like, "Hey! Whaff va mumph! Wuffa wuf moof mahf thung!"

And though he thought it was the end of the world, or at least a certain end to his popularity on the dating scene, his occurrence was compared to all the others, determined to be statistically insignificant, and didn't stop the manufacture of erythromycin.


Happy Thursday, ya'll.

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