Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Revising the Revised Revisions

From CBSSportsline.com: "Vernon Wells hit two home runs off Baltimore starter Rodrigo Lopez and went 3-for-4 with four RBI on Thursday. 'I've never seen somebody hit one in the upper deck. Today was my turn,' Lopez said. 'He's a good hitter. I've always had a problem with him. I made a mistake and it landed almost in the hotel.'


Finally tried out the DVD recorder last night, dubbing MST3K's Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. You know, that was a mildly interesting idea that just got screwed up from the get-go. It was wretched from top to bottom.


The head of engineering at my Phoenix station is springing for dinner one night during our trip. Mike's a good guy, and I'll be glad to take him up on his offer.


The baby is sick. I think we went a few weeks with everyone healthy this time. But hoo boy does she wake up encrusted with all manner of oozing nastiness. We have to take her from the crib straight to the bathroom to clean her up, and let me tell you, anything she sees that soon that's not commonly called "breakfast" cheeses her off bigtime. Poor kid.


Got my fine new Ramones shirt on today. My goal is to have BACS amend the casual day policy to read, "...except for the kinda crap Brian wears."


And the dryer has gone belly-up. Oy. It's a 13-year-old machine, so I guess I should be glad it lasted this long.


Speaking of dumb quotes, one of my Tucson counterparts left me a two-minute voicemail this morning to tell me that she was "revising the revised revisions." She might as well have been speaking Esperanto at that point.

Current song: Merle Haggard's "Looking for a Place to Fall Apart."


Work beckons...

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