Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Oh the Colors...

Man, when I update remotely I get all sorts of screwy colors and fonts and sizes.




Well, I leave for Phoenix in two days, and now THEGIRL is sick, home with a fever. I hope she’s better before I depart.


We knew she wasn’t herself last night. Sure enough, around midnight she woke up crying, with a 102.9 fever. I’m told that this morning she woke up with a low-grade fever, and that she ate a bit. That’s a good sign.




I feel like I’m caught up on my rest.


And the calf, surprisingly, isn’t bothering me. 24 hours ago I thought I might have to hang up my running shoes for a long time. But now—while I’m not ready to make any grand pronouncements—I feel like I could do some more running on this thing. Probably tomorrow evening I’ll hit the track and knock out a few miles. If that goes well I might see if I can run in Phoenix too.




Ya’ll have a good afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bad FM radio station...102.9 The Fever...all schlock, ALL THE TIME!!!

Hope the babe is feeling better.

Jeff P.