Thursday, December 08, 2005


From the one and only Jeff Prowse, whose thermometer read "-5" last time he reported in. Of course, he's in Wisconsin and all...


I’m not quite a blogger, but you are my loyal audience…so here’s a few words about that memory.

Even though he was killed late at night, news really didn’t feel official until you watched the story on the 5:30 network news the following evening. I was 11, my parents were 32. We always ate dinner at this time, and only rarely could I get up to see what was going on on the Walter Cronkite show, but the TV remained on in the other room. But on Dec. 9, we all got up and went to the TV room to see the story in full context. My dad said nothing, but I don’t think I’ll forget the pissed off look in his eyes.

This kind of celebrity death probably can’t happen again…because we don’t really much like any of the big name celebs…they are on a special island and we mock them.

Anyway, life goes on. I hate to guess at watershed moments and the death of an entertainer seems not worthy of such grandeur, but I can see that if were 20 years older, that could be a pencil mark line in life…on one side was my youth, the times you remember as being without shadows, and on the other side, well, mostly the bittersweet.

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