Monday, December 26, 2005

Some scattered moments from the holiday weekend:

THEBOY's hands shaking with excitement when he opened a gift and saw that it's a movie he'd asked for, Batman vs. Dracula.

(He's watching it right now, in fact)

THEGIRL dancing to the Wiggles yesterday and today.

The bittersweet feeling when THEBOY opened a gift bought for him by Freda.

Seeing Val, who suffered acute kidney failure about 18 months ago. Her sister is going to give her a kidney in April. Awesome.

And that's not a word I mean to use lightly.


The trees in our yard... wow, it's like someone gave the order for them drop all their leaves at once. Holy cow.


A cold is sweeping through the house, dang it. THEGIRL's got another nagging cough (though it hasn't affected her spirits). Kelli's got head congestion, and I woke up with a sore throat. We've got a trip to Angleton planned for this coming weekend, and we simply cannot bring a bunch of sick folks to see still-recovering Dad. I'll bet that by trip time some combination of us will be healthy at least.

("Your mother and I are still sick... here are keys... you kids take the van to Angleton...")


THEBOY is fine.


I started to write a bit of a year-end wrapup, but I'm just not up to it. Been kind of up and down, right?

Ya'll take care, have a great Monday. Hopefully you're all off and sitting at home and/or with loved ones.


You know, it's nice outside. Maybe I'll take the kids for a picnic.

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