Friday, December 16, 2005

Surely. Maybe. Or not.

Whoa! Which Rocky movie had some huge Russian fighting his underdog American counterpart?


Well, tomorrow’s the big birthday bash. Like most things that have happened lately, it’s been sort of thrown together at the last minute, given the greenlight without a realistic idea of some of the particulars.

But I’m hoping there’s good turnout from THEBOY'S old school and his new one. He gave us a nice guest list from both. Now it’s just a matter of whether five days’ notice is enough for any of them to commit to coming. I know of one who’ll be there for sure, and his presence alone would go a long way. But really, with cake, an entertainer, goodie bags… I’d like a good turnout.


And then I’d like a nap.


Still no grades.

I am not pleased. My profs have had the last of my work for over a week. Admittedly, I turned it in early. But the latest due date was five days ago. Surely they’ve graded that stuff by NOW.



Or not.

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