Friday, August 26, 2005

Stupid Sex-Having Trees...

Sneezing a lot… crap. Trees get their jollies and make me sneeze.


Class went well I’d say. Dr. Crook was under the weather, so he kept it short. The man had hardly any voice, looked bad. This was techniques of appraisal and assessment, a class about administering and interpreting tests. There’s a substantial statistical component, but what he described last night sounds like it’s well within my grasp. Might not even need to drag out the TI-83 graphing calculator.


An interesting development: Was talking to a classmate who works for Tarrant County MHMR, dealing with at-risk teens. She said they have an opening and wondered if I’d be interested. She knows about my interest in addiction. Looks like the pay is comparable to what I make now and the schedule is flexible (something that certainly appeals to a parent). Not only that, but with that kind of job, the folks who run the counselor program at TxWes will consider the job as fulfilling the practicum requirement. That could potentially shave a whole semester off of my degree plan.

The downside, of course, is that working with teenaged addicts would not be a walk in the park. Anything with kids in peril just wrecks me, but I need to get over that. I do I do I do.

Anyway, I don’t know whether this is the path for me. I suppose I should look into it at least.


I think I’m going to indulge myself and order Jason Falkner’s Japanese CD Everyone Says It’s On. A vendor on Gemm has it for $35 and says they’ll ship to me for $4.

I found it on eBay for $33, which is a relatively good price, but the seller wants $16 for shipping. What a con job.


I think I’ll also buy Kevin a bicycle this weekend. He’ll flip! I wanted to wait until it was maybe cooler, or maybe over the upcoming long weekend. But I’ve got the cash now and I’m too excited.


Had my iced coffee and scone, work doesn’t look too bad, Tex Mex tonight… life is, at the moment, worth living.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One thing to consider is that you will probably still encounter teens in your career. It wouldn't be all day, every day though. Don't know if that makes any difference to you. I think it sounds interesting.
