Friday, July 01, 2005

Hakuna Matata, Bird!

THEBOY was outside playing with Caleb, the neighbor boy, yesterday evening. They were playing with their Super Soakers. It was about 8pm and I went to fetch THEBOY to come in for a shower.

As we returned to the house he spied something in the grass. We stopped for a better look, and it turned out to be a dead bird. It had ants on it, flies, and looked pretty bad in general.

I prepared myself to be the father, to give one of those “ashes to ashes” speeches.

Me: “You see, THEBOY, the ants and bugs will eat it, and it will decompose—“

THEBOY: “Can I squirt it with the squirt gun?!?”

Me: “Uh—yeah, I guess”

THEBOY: “Cool!”


And he was satisfied. Turns out I didn’t have to go all “circle of life” on him after all.


Anonymous said...

Moments like this are reason enough to have children.


Anonymous said...

Cindy and I spent 45 minutes one night explaining to Tori that although I am not her biological father, I loved her enough to adopt her - the whole scene was straight out of some Hallmark, made-for-TV show. When we asked if she had any questions, all she could say was "Dad, can we play Super Mario Brothers on the Gamecube?"
