Wednesday, July 27, 2005

we’re fresh out of tiger forks

Rainy here, nice really. But the stairwell, elevator and break room are all strangely warm. Funny, I thought Belo was actually located in hell…


There's this elevator at Belo that's incredibly slow. Keep in mind that this is a three-story building. Still, lots of folks opt for the freight elevator or, even worse, the stairs.

Going down this elevator is so slow that I always said I expected that when the doors opened I’d see a red guy with horns and a pitchfork, saying, “Hey, you went too far… wait, not you, Brisc…”


This place is like Toys R Us to Whit. I could picture him walking down the aisles: “Ah, we’re fresh out of tiger forks and monk spades… better stock up…”


THEBOY likes to mimic the baby in the Quiznos commercials, and I’ve gotta say, it’s highly amusing. He says in a growling voice, “One of these days when the old man’s not looking—saranara.” Okay, so he can’t pronounce “sayonara” yet.

And his old man probably can’t spell it.



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