Tuesday, February 28, 2006

BB Am I, Inc. Operating from Hurst Office Today

Last night went well. We took THEKIDS to Logan's Roadhouse for a fine meal. THEGIRL was in good form, enjoying her meal, happy, getting chocolate syrup all over herself.

THEBOY was in better form. A cute blonde waitress stopped by to chat him up, telling him how cute he is, and how he's not too young for her. It was amusing enough...

...until he reciprocated.

This kid turned on the CHARM. Holy Ronald McDonald was he workin' it, culminating in--you ready for this?--him asking her for her number.

Okay okay... full disclosure: He'd been so charming and cute that we coached him into that for the laugh.

But she admitted that both our kids had made her night already.

And she wasn't even OUR waitress.


Teach me, Obi Wan.


After that I did NOTHING all evening. I could detail it for you, but really, it looked an awful lot like yours truly doing his best to wear a groove in this recliner using only butt cheeks.


Unfortunately, THEBOY woke up with a fever again. Crap. We see the doctor at 11:45.


Fortunately, Dr. S is a cutey. I mean, I prefer to see her, rather than Dr. Mumbles, for a number of reasons.

First, I can understand what she says. That's huge.

Second, she pays attention, listens, and offers good input. You don't always get that from a doctor. Admittedly, all three pediatricians in that office seem to genuinely care enough to do their jobs well.

Third, well, she's easy on the eyes.


And see, Dr. Mumbles, well, he MUMBLES (hence the bad pseudonym I've given him). He's an old-timer, a guy who gives off an "I've seen everything vibe." My hearing is slightly wrecked; I'd say I just plumb can't hear about one in 20 people.

Dr. Mumbles wins the prize.

Last time I was there, in fact, I was wrestling sick/anxious THEGIRL as he offered rapidly mumbled instructions that even after about three repetitions I simply could not understand.

Finally he put both hands on the counter, sighed, cocked his head sideways and gave me a grim look: "Where's yer wife?"

Apparently SHE can hear him.


Anyway, this'll give me a chance to study for Thursday's counseling exam.


So Koby Clemens hit a homer off his dad, then his dad buzzed him in retaliation. I'm not sure whether that's cute or kinda messed up.


Gotta go. I've got important sitting around to do.

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