Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Time for the Four Sweetest Words in the English Language:

Pitchers and catchers report!


Hold on, boys, I'll be there as soon as I can!


Check it out: Ultraman is coming to DVD!

(Thanks for the tip, Bruiser)


I think something's wrong with our scale. I've run all of twice this year, and this morning, fearful that my recent, gluttonous ways were packing pounds back on, I weighed myself.


That can't be right. That's 10 pounds lighter than I was two weeks ago on the doctor's scale. Eh, I see him Monday for a followup anyway. This can't be right. Can it?


Anonymous said...

Dude, you weigh about as much as my a$$.


BB said...

Dude! Dude! No comment on Ultraman? You and I cut our teeth on this stuff!

Anonymous said...

Well, of course, I'm going to get the Ultraman DVD's!!! I've been waiting for years for those to come out!