Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Month and a Day

after the race, I've resumed working out.


Let's see... a lot has happened since that day. 24 hours later I was queasy with a stomach bug that took a couple days to fully manifest itself, and another week to go away.

Just about the day that quit my throat got scratchy. That cold took a few weeks to get over.


I was positively BUZZING to get back out for a run. Tonight, it was on. Had my iPod loaded with good stoner rock, good shoes on, new shorts... I like my running gear.

It's 70 degrees and very windy. I was pleased to go right into a compact running stroke that felt natural. I hadn't lost my mechanics at all. I wasn't sure how far I'd go, but I figured anything less than a couple miles was a copout.


I startled a rabbit out on the track. That is, the critter saw me and started to bolt before he clearly thought, Shoot--this turkey couldn't catch me anyway.


The breakdown:

Stamina: Excellent. I was pleased to have so much, in fact.
Breathing: Very good, but not perfect. Still some lingering slime from the cold and possible allergies.
Calf: Just about perfect. Maybe getting sick did me the favor of finally allowing me to get over that injury.
Joints: Knees were good, but heck, they took a pounding. They were a little sore. Lower back was too.

I ran four miles. I finished with a nice 100 yard sprint.

(Alice didn't do too bad, eh Whit?)


My daughter is sick. Stomach bug. No fever, and not doing her Linda Blair impression... just doing unholy things to diapers.

I hope she can go to school tomorrow.


THEBOY, a day after being remarkably oppositional, was quite good tonight. We needed that.


Tomorrow is class. Can't wait.

Ya'll take care.


Anonymous said...

Great job on the run, man. I agree that your illness probably helped you get over that nasty calf injury. Glad to hear you're back on track.

I'll keep you posted on the triathlon thing. I'm kicking the idea around.

Be good.

Anonymous said...

A tip from our doc from when Maddie was sick last Fall... No milk drinking until it clears up. Instead, she can have yogurt since it is easier on the system. I hatet to tell ya, but Maddie had the symptoms for a full week.